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Client CDM 2015 Guidance (Paths for All)

Paths for All have published new good practice guidance to help community councils, development trusts, local authorities, national park authorities, and other similar organisations in Scotland, to comply with the client duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 - when planning path construction or maintenance projects. It's also relevant to bridge and boardwalk projects. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) came into force on 6 April 2015 to replace the CDM Regulations 2007.

Whatever your role in path and bridge construction or maintenance, the CDM 2015 changes will affect you but more importantly they aim to improve health and safety for everyone involved by helping you to:

  • sensibly plan the work so the health and safety risks involved are managed from start to finish
  • have the right people for the right job at the right time
  • cooperate and coordinate your work with everyone involved
  • have the right information about the risks and how they are being managed
  • communicate this information effectively to everyone who need to know about the risks
  • consult and engage with workers about the risks and how they are being managed.

Further Info - CDM 2015

Further Info - CDM 2015 video

Further Info - CDM wizard app for a construction phase plan

Further Info - CITB industry guidance for every duty holder

Further Info - Legal requirements

Further Info - Managing health and safety in construction - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, Guidance on the Regulations (L153)

Further Info - Notification of a construction project

Further Info - What do I need to do?

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