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Active Travel


Battleby House to Redgorton Active Travel Path - Case Study

Cycling by Design provides guidance for cycling infrastructure design on all roads, streets and paths in Scotland. It aims to ensure that cycling is a practical and attractive choice for the everyday and occasional journeys of all people, particularly new, returning or less confident users

SOA Supporting Evidence for Walking and Path Networks to Deliver on National Indicators & Outcomes (Paths for All)
This document demonstrates that outdoor access development helps meet the outcomes and indicators in Single Outcome Agreements (SOAs). It should also help shape priorities and indicators in future revisions of SOAs. The reference tables will also be of interest to Community Planning Partnership Co-ordinators, Planners, Greenspace Officers, Cycling Officers etc.

Water of Leith Case Study - KBI Flexipave Surface (recycled car tyres)
In 2023, approximately 18,000m2 of KBI Flexipave was laid along the Water of Leith, Edinburgh as part of an active travel improvement programme. This case study has been produced by the material supplier and shows some of the work that was undertaken.


2017 - 2020 Cycling Action Plan Scotland (Transport Scotland)
3rd update to the original CAPS document of 2010 and which details how the Scottish Government will deliver its actions and priorities, who they will work in partnership with and the timeline for delivery in 2020

A Guide to Controlling Access on Paths (Sustrans)
New comprehensive guidance from Sustrans about assessing the need for and implementing appropriate access controls on paths, and reinforcing the message: !Is an access control required and if so why?!. Those of you who are path designers, the guidance will challenge you to consider the real evidence for the need to provide access controls on paths. From this starting point, alternative measures can then be considered before taking you through the process of designing appropriate access controls if that is what is required.

Active Travel (Paths for All)
Paths for All's active travel vision for the future and promoting active travel - information about active travel, case studies, and 'Smarter Choices Smarter Places'.

Active Travel (Sustrans)

Our work in Scotland: Sustrans works closely with communities, the Scottish Government, local authorities and other partners to ensure that the people of Scotland have access to a network of safe walking and cycling routes; making Scotland a healthy, happy place to live, work and play, and a sustainable and beautiful tourist destination.

Choose Another Way (Scottish Government)
Choose Another Way is an initiative of the Scottish Government and its partners to encourage more sustainable transport choices through the implementation of travel plans.

Cycling Scotland - Who We Are
Cycling Scotland is the nation’s cycling organisation. Working with others, we help create and deliver opportunities and an environment so anyone anywhere in Scotland can cycle easily and safely.

Lets Get Scotland Walking - The National Walking Strategy (Scottish Government)
The National Walking Strategy outlines the Scottish Governments vision of a Scotland where everyone benefits from walking. The Strategy contains recommendations from a working group to create a walking culture.

Living Streets - Who We Are
Living Street Scotland work to create a walking nation, free from congested roads and pollution, reducing the risk of preventable illness and social isolation and making walking the natural choice. We believe that getting Scotland walking means progress for everyone


Developed by Paths for All Partnership, The Walkipedia signposts users to the key sources of information and evidence relating to walking, pedestrians, and active travel.

Topics include: Behaviour Change; Climate & Environment; Community & Participation; Physical, Mental and Social Health; Planning; Design & Safety; Active Travel; COVID-19; Economics & Benefits

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