Clyde Walkway - Smart Surface Path Upgrade Aug 2018
Cycle Path Surface Options (Sustrans Technical Information Note 8)
Detailed guidance about standard default bound surface options – dense bitumen macadam or hot rolled asphalt, and alternative unbound, semi-bound and bound surface options for traffic free paths. The alternative surface options are considered where the standard options are not suitable.
Standard Detail Drawing - Forestry Commission Scotland - As Dug Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Forestry Commission Scotland - Self Binding Gravel Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Forestry Commission Scotland - Whin Dust Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - As Dug Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Bound Gravel Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Dense Bitumen Macadam (DBM) Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Granite Dust Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Hot Rolled Asphalt Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Reinforced Grass Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Reinforced Gravel Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Semi-bound (Ultitrec) path (half-tray)
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Surface Dressed Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Paths for All - Whin Dust Path
Standard Detail Drawing - Sustrans - Standard DBM Path Cross Section
TDP Netlon® Netpave® 50 (TDP Porous Paving System Case Study based on a Sustrans Connect2 Project)
A case study demonstrating Netlon® Netpave® 50 porous paving system, as a preferred surfacing solution, to create a new Sustrans Connect2 traffic free shared use path surface along 2.2 kilometers of seafront between Bexhill - Hastings in East Sussex.
Use of MacRebur reduced bitumen bound asphalts on Stockenfield Bridge, Glasgow
Code of Practice for High Friction Surfacing
Cycle Infrastructure: Design Guidance and Best Practice (SEStran)
Design and best practice guidance to help local authorities, developers and others involved in providing new cycling infrastructure, whether specifically for cycling or for taking cycling into account for all forms of transportation infrastructure. The guidance provides basic information about cycle auditing and monitoring that can be used to help identify measures to improve a particular infrastructure scheme, a route or part of a network for cycling based on five key principles – coherence, directness, attractiveness, safety and comfort. It also provides basic information about surfaces for both on-road and off-road cycle infrastructure provision.
Design manual for roads and bridges Volume 6 - Road Geometry - Section 3 Part 4 TA 81/99 Coloured Surfacing in road layout (excluding traffic calming)
Lowland Path Construction Guide - A Good Practice Guide to Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance (Paths for All)
Downloadable manual covering the various stages of delivering path construction or maintenance projects. The guide provides detailed information about different types of surfaces for paths in lowland settings.
National Path Demonstration Site (Paths for All)
The National Path Demonstration Site showcases best practice in inclusive design, infrastructure and the management of shared use paths.
This unique site, located at Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) Oatridge Campus, is made up of several paths constructed using a range of different materials and construction techniques. The site aims to help path projects decide on the best materials and techniques to use for their own unique project. As well as different types of path surface, you'll also find lots of different types of gates, barriers, bridges and signs at the site to look at and try out.